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Maybe there is already a solution to your problem?
It is best to have a look at our FAQ or use the search. Often there is already a solution to your problem. That saves you waiting time. If there is no solution to your problem or you still have questions, we are always at your disposal!
Can everyone see my ticket?
This decision is up to you, on the right-hand side in the settings you can set whether your ticket is public or private.If you have to share sensitive data with us, it is advisable to set the ticket to private.
How to open a Support Request?
Thank you for opening a support ticket with us. Please read this carefully before you open a support ticket:
Nothing? Ok, let's do it.
We are looking forward for your support request.
Before you create a new ticket, please take the time and check these articles. We have found them, and they might have an answer for your question.
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